ACE Supports Your Academic Success!
Get FREE help with your studies by meeting with a tutor. Drop in or make an appointment (812-481-5923, 812-482-3330, through the Tutor Scheduling card in 澳门足球博彩官方网址-x, or ACEtutoring@jyycl.com) during SPRING 2025 SCHEDULED HOURS.
Did you know...
Tutors are available during posted hours. Request an appointment with a tutor by calling 812-481-5923 or 812-482-3330.
To have a paper reviewed (not edited) via email, send your paper, the instructor, course name, and due date to ACEtutoring@jyycl.com. Please understand there is no guarantee that emailed papers will be reviewed. Students who come for an in-person paper review receive priority.
For make-up testing appointments call: 812-481-5923 or 812-482-3330
helpful resources
*most are both IOS and Android as well as a web page
Web Sites by Subject:
Grammar Resources:Where you can "check your text with no registration" |